Interesting Web Application Development Facts!!!
We have mentioned some of the amazing facts about web app development that will improve the way of understanding the website and help you set your Website development goals before you form a partnership with a website development company . 1. How Search Engine Render's a Website!!! Search Engine on each device reads a website in a unique manner. It is one of the reason, a website that looks a certain way on a SE( Google Chrome ) in computer looks different on Safari on your iPhone. The Dynamic view of Website depends on factors Like parsing and rendering, i.e. how a browser translate the code of a website and display it. 2. Viewer's Behavior towards a Website It was being acknowledged by many human behavioral houses that how people respond's to a websites, the study found that 79% of test users just judged the website based on the visuals and info-graphics where as only 16% of users read the content of the site. This signifies that a website must be dynamic in the sense th...