Interesting Web Application Development Facts!!!

We have mentioned some of the amazing facts about web app development that will improve the way of understanding the website and help you set your Website development goals before you form a partnership with a website development company.

1. How Search Engine Render's a Website!!!

Search Engine on each device reads a website in a unique manner. It is one of the reason, a website that looks a certain way on a SE(Google Chrome) in computer looks different on Safari on your iPhone.

The Dynamic view of Website depends on factors Like parsing and rendering, i.e. how a browser translate the code of a website and display it.

2. Viewer's Behavior towards a Website

It was being acknowledged by many human behavioral houses that how people respond's to a websites, the study found that 79% of test users just judged the website based on the visuals and info-graphics where as only 16% of users read the content of the site.

This signifies that a website must be dynamic in the sense that the viewer can easily acknowledge the content, and the actual sense of the website. Credibility is essential for the website users which can be increased by quality graphics, hypertext links.

3. Mobile Friendliness.

The extensive use of  smartphones has made the browsing of website through smart-phones and the google guide-lines strictly mentions that if a website is not mobile friendly, the chances of it being on the top of the page decreases. 

Most of the consumer/users browse over the net on mobile phones and as so make sure your website app development company must improve the websites so that user experience (UX) can be pleasant for mobile users.

4. Credibility of the Website

Digital space is continually advancing and from hardware to software, every aspect of the Internet is bound to change in the coming years, which itself can affects the websites too. So, let's suppose a website designed three years back must be dynamic and flexible enough to adapt latest technology available to provide the optimum level of user experience. 

In this scenario, emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence,Blockchain and IoT have started impacting websites. Companies have already started  observing and making changes in their website with new-age technologies to adopt a data-driven approach and get visibility into the system.

5. Back-Hand Algorithm affect's the Website

Search engines read the source code of your website, as it is essential that web developers can make the code SEO friendly. SE like Google pick up the ranking signals from different HTML elements. 

Web development includes the application development process and it must focus on elements such as HTML title tag, meta description tag, header tags, and structured data tag.

6. Don't go for Template's as it can effect website capabilities.

In the web application development arena, website templates have become a common usage of those who have barely any idea of coding and want to develop the website in a easy way and quickly. Although, website templates are the easy way out, it limits your capabilities to use design elements of your choice or at times bloat coding as well.

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